Dear AIU Family,
It is with great regret we inform you that one of our Alumni
and fifth president of Zambia, Michael Sata has passed
away due to illness on October 28, 2014.
Mr. Sata graduated with a Bachelors in Political Science
with us 2011, same year he defeated Rupiah Banda after 10
years of opposition.
From his time as a student with AIU, President Sata demonstrated
his dedication and resilience. He exemplified the
autonomy and leadership AIU envisions for all students.
Mr. Sata believed in AIU’s visions and applied it to his
life. His final thesis was on how to reach the presidency
as opposition, few months later he won the presidency
in Zambia.
Today we remember him and embrace the legacy he
leaves for his family, AIU, his country and the world.
Let’s remember Mr. Sata and remember that vision and
hard work can lead to change in the world. Rest in Peace
Michael Sata.
Ofelia Hernandez
AIU Director
Michael Chilufya Sata
was born on July 6, 1937
and died October 28, 2014, at
the age of 77 after receiving
treatment for an undisclosed
illness at a hospital in London,
When he graduated from
a Bachelor’s degree in
Political Science at Atlantic
International University he
was 74 years old.
He was considered a
man with humble origins
and limited schooling, born as
he was at Chitulika village in
Mpika District, given a sendoff
worth a king. Growing up in rural Zambia, not in his wildest dreams did he think one day he
would become a president and determine the fate of 14 million
people. Attending Catholic Catechists seminary schools, Katibunga,
Kantensha, and Lubushi, his eyes were set on becoming a priest.
Michael Sata was the
fifth President of Zambia
and the second President who
died in term.
He received the nickname
of “King Cobra” for
his sharp tongue.
He worked as a police
officer, railway man,
trade unionist and taxidermist
before going to politcs.
In the decade of 1980’s
Michael Sata was Governor
of Lusaka.
His economic strategy had trhee
sides: to increase Zambia’s trade with
its neighbours, boost the country’s vibrant
tourism sector and reduce the cost of doing
business. The increase in copper prices
since then –from around $3,000 a tonne to
almost $10,000– and the friendly tax regime
have drawn a rush of foreign investment to
Zambia, particularly from China, during Sata’s
Sata knew when to move. He
once belonged to the United
National Independence Party (Unip),
then led by Kenneth Kaunda, Zambia’s
first President, but later switched
to the Movement for Multiparty
Democracy (MMD). When the MMD
thwarted his presidential ambitions,
he broke away to form the Patriotic
Front (PF) in 2001.
He was no diplomat. He told
off George W. Bush, the former
American president, for tardiness.
Opposition leaders have been
detained for public-order offences, including
Mr. Sata’s predecessor, Rupiah
Banda, whom he defeated in the election
of 2011, was stripped of immunity
from prosecution in March and was on
trial for corruption.
Comments from A I U Students
Alex Bwalya
As a Zambian, I am proud
that the late President went
through AIU. It is a University
which inspires its students
to be world changers; firstly
by changing their immediate
society positively and then
their continent and the world.
AIU teach us through all your
lectures, assignments and
reports to bring out this fact
clearly. We receive education
to impact the world for it’s betterment.
As an engineer, my
role is to improve peoples lives
through sound theoretical and
experiential knowledge. To
learn to think out of the box.
To be sensitive to humanity
and be practical about it . The
late president tried to live this.
Kelvin Musonda Chisanga
We have lost a gallant leader
who worked selfless in government
and for the country
of Zambia, the man worked tireless in difficult times and
has left a lot of developmental
projects which were to see
Zambia sow greater and higher
levels of economical heights.
I liked his charisma and
courage in achieving all his
ambitions, he was a great man
who conquered most challenges
and won them all with
much stamina.
I was recommended to
study at this university after
seeing this man did it here and
am grateful!
Kenneth Ngosa Chikwanda
I saw your letter about the
passing on of our late president
H.E Michael Chilufya
Sata just a few minutes after
body viewing at Mulungushi
Conference Center. It is sad
to loss a man of action, man
of all people regardless of
age and status in society. He
respected and valued human
life by taking free health services closer to the communities.
A leader who was able
to reduce corruption in the
country within six months as
a president.
The Nation has lost a leader.
Bright Karikari-Brempong
To The Family of Pres. Michael
We have lost a giant in
politics. A leader and a kind
loyal friend and father to the
nation. ‘’We all ask ourselves,
whether you are truly leaving
us forever.’’
We will always remember
your achievement. How
enthusiastic you were and it is
lost in our eyes. Oh Pres!, we
are anguished within us. We
cannot hold ourselves together
since your death.
AIU and all the Alumni and
Alumnae say to our brother
and a friend, Pres. Michael
Sata, Rest In Perfect Peace.